Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

(since I am not sleeping as much as most people, shouldn't I feel like I have more time than everyone else???)

Ella is two months old this week, and what a blur it has been!  It does not seem like that much time has passed already, but I definitely feel like she's growing and changing every day.

We went to the Dr. today for her two month appointment.  The poor baby had to get FIVE shots and a new oral Rotavirus vaccine (new since Jake was a baby).  Mom didn't fair too well during the shots - I just cried my eyes out along with her.  So much so that the nurse asked me if I was ok!  Darn hormones!!

One good thing that came out of her appointment is that we may have an answer to why she's been so incredibly fussy.  Really, fussy is a very kind description of what she's been like.  She's just been so very hard.  When we started describing her bahavior to our Dr. today she seemed pretty sure that Ella has acid reflux.  So, we have a new prescription to try and I am really hoping we see a new happier baby in a few days! (I'll keep you posted of course!)

Here are Ella's stats from today's visit:
  • Height: 22 inches (40th percentile) - up from 20 3/4 inches at 2 weeks old
  • Weight: 9 1/2 lbs. (20th percentile) - up from 7 lbs 6 ozs at 2 weeks old
  • Head Cir: 37.8 cm (20th percentile) - up from 35.5 cm at 2 weeks old

Getting SO BIG!

who, me? cute?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leslie,
    You do have more time, but it doesn't feel like it because you are spending all of it soothing a crying baby :-)
    Anyhow, let's hope the medication will work... She is certainly growing at a very nice rate and is just as cute as before... I love the little outfit...
