Sunday, May 31, 2009


It's been about a month since we caught up with everyone, so my first post will be a recap of May.

The weather in May lacked a little to be desirable. It seemed to be cool and rainy most of the month. On one of the warm days we had, I let Jake play in the sprinkler and John got to start working on the lawn (with a little help from Jake). The sprinkler was a hit for both Jake and Sadie - I am sure we'll be bringing that out more this summer!

Memorial weekend we went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Our friend Erin and her son Austin joined us. Jake had so much fun exploring the museum and hanging out with Austin.

John got to play golf on Monday, so Jake and I joined the Borie's at the Gaylord Street fair. The rain held off for about an hour, then we all got soaked. Jake loved playing with his BFF Mackenzie, riding rides and eating corn dogs!

Nugget Fever!
The Nuggets made it to the second round of the playoffs so we watched a game at a friends house, and John and I got to go to a Denver Nuggets vs. LA Lakers game on Memorial day! We had "suite" tickets and had so much fun. Denver won by a mile that night - - so sad they did not keep it up (they lost to the Lakers in Game 6 on Friday night).

(Jake and Jack McDoniel sporting "bird man" hair!)

Starting a Blog

Hello friends and family,

I'm finally jumping on the blog band wagon. I can't promise a lot of creativity, but hope to use this to post pictures and keep everyone up to date with us!